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13.基于Active XML动态自适应工作流任务分配研究
2017-05-05 10:36     (点击)



关键词:Active XML;动态;自适应;工作流;任务分配


摘要:针对目前工作流任务分配考虑的因素比较单调,灵活性较差。为了解决工作流工作流引擎任务动态分配的用户最优选择问题。本文引入Active XML(分布式数据管理语言)作为工作流模型定义语言,来创建能够动态修改的工作流模型。设计并实现一个动态自适应工作流引擎,该引擎在工作流执行过程中能够根据参与者的状态和负载运行状况,通过WTAM任务分配算法,将任务动态分配给负载较低、经验值较高的用户,缩短动作流执行时间,提高工作流的运行效率。

Research on Task Assignment of Dynamic Self-adaptation Workflow Based on Active XML

                                          Zhao Junfu

(Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,Inner Mongolia Baotou 014010 China)

Key wordsActive XML;dynamic;self-adaptation;Workflow;task assignment

Abstract:In view of that the present workflow task allocation factor is monotonous and of poor flexibility, the active XML(distributed data management language) was introduced as a workflow model definition language to create a workflow model supporting dynamic modification in order to solve the user optimal selection problem of the dynamic allocation of the workflow engine task. A dynamic and adaptive workflow engine was designed and implemented, which can dynamically allocate the task to the user with lower load and higher experience value according to the state and load of the participants during the execution of the workflow by using theWTAMtask

allocation algorithm, shortening the execution time of the action flow and improving the running efficiency of the workflow.


地址:内蒙古包头市昆都仑区阿尔丁 大街7号   邮编:014010   电话:0472-5951610或0472- 5953910 Email:cky@imust.cn nkdxb@imust.cn