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2017-05-05 10:41     (点击)

苏 天,薛 刚,刘书智

(内蒙古科技大学 建筑与土木工程学院,内蒙古 包头014010)



摘 要:风力发电机在运行过程中,环境侵蚀引起的叶片损伤不易直接观测。利用ANSYS Workbench对含不同损伤位置、不同损伤程度的15KW风力机叶片进行有限元识别分析。分析结果表明:通过叶片自振频率的变化能对其是否发生损伤及损伤程度进行识别,但不能对损伤位置进行定位;通过叶片位移模态及应变模态的变化均可对其损伤程度及位置进行识别。

Finite Element Analysis of DamageIdentification of Wind Turbine Blades Based on Dynamic Characteristics

SUTian, XUE Gang, LIU Shu-zhi

(Architecture and CivilEngineering School, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou014010, China)

Key words:wind turbine; blade damage; dynamic characteristics;finite element analysis

Abstract:During running process ofthe wind turbine, it is not easy to directly observe blade damages caused byenvironmental erosion. By the ANSYS Workbench, finite element identificationanalysis on blades of a 15 KW wind turbine was carried out, which were damagedat different positions and to different degrees. It is shown in theanalytic results that variations in natural vibration frequency of a bladecould be used to determine whether it was damaged as well as the damage degree,but the damage position could not be positioned by it; damage degrees andpositions could be identified according to displacement modal variations andstrain modal variations of the blades.


地址:内蒙古包头市昆都仑区阿尔丁 大街7号   邮编:014010   电话:0472-5951610或0472- 5953910 Email:cky@imust.cn nkdxb@imust.cn