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2017-05-05 10:47     (点击)


(1.内蒙古科技大学材料与冶金学院,内蒙古 包头014010;2.中国兵器工业第五二研究所,内蒙古包头 014030;3.包头市特种设备检验所,内蒙古 包头014030)


中图分类号:TG457.19 文献标志码:A


Effect of heat treatment on weldmicrostructure and property of TC4 titanium alloy welding different thicknessplate

LIZhen-liang1, LI Yang1,2, LI Xin1, DONG Rui1, SHI Yu3, XIN Hai-Ying2

(1.Materila and Metallurgy school, InnerMongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010 China; 2. NO.52institute of china ordnance industries, Baotou 014010, China; 3.Baotouspecial equipment inspection institute, Baotou 014010, China)

Key words:titanium alloy of TC4;TIG welding;isothermalannealing;microstructure

Abstract:The manual argon tungsten-arc welding wasused to weld TC4 titanium alloy plate (150 mm X 150 mm) of different thickness( 25 mm / 18 mm) . The stress relief annealing and isothermal annealing were implemented on the plate , the status of which was compared with that of natural cooling (without heattreatment) sample. The effect of different heat treatment process onmicrostructure and mechanical properties of weld area was analyzed. The resultsshow that microstructure of weld area without heat treatment and the stressrelief annealing are martensite and a rough acicular martensite ,respectively.After isothermal annealing (930℃/2h+530℃/4h), themicrostructure are mainly acicular martensite at root and top of the weld area,with slice martensite + α phase at the central weld area, while the vickershardness of the weld area is 434HV. The tensile strength of alloy was increasedby the lower content of Al element after isothermal annealing. Tensile strengthis 904 MPa , the elongation is 8.0%,and the tensile fracture in the region ofthe base metal belongs to the ductile fracture.


地址:内蒙古包头市昆都仑区阿尔丁 大街7号   邮编:014010   电话:0472-5951610或0472- 5953910 Email:cky@imust.cn nkdxb@imust.cn